Pastor Brad Langstraat
Pastor Brad guides Origins Church each week with an inspiring message on the power of God’s love and kindness.
After three decades of ministry, Brad believes wholeheartedly in God’s compassion and forgiveness for everyone.
His passion is to see people grow in their faith and love for God and to live for Him.
A part of what makes Brad relatable is that he is bi-vocational, along with leading Origins Church, he also has a full-time job during the week. This gives Brad a unique perspective because he shares many of the same challenges as those he speaks to every Sunday.
Brad and Karla live on an acreage and are parents to three children – Tricia who is married to Cody and has 2 little boys, a son Kirk, and a daughter Danika – Brad enjoys spending time with his family, taking care of his cows, and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings.